
The 活动管理处 serves 十大电子游艺网站排行 和 Southeast Texas community as an event-planning resource. From full-service event planning to support as you plan your event, 我们致力于高品质, well-planned and flawlessly executed events that represent the best 十大电子游艺网站排行 has to offer.






  • 一旦你决定举办活动
    另行通知前, ALL event hosts must receive approval from the Office of 校园操作 prior to reserving a venue at 十大电子游艺网站排行.

    1. 完成 活动策划工作表 有尽可能多的细节. If you need guidance, contact The 活动管理处 at (409) 880-7733 or (409) 880-7734.
    2. Select a preferred date and at least two alternate dates be为e contacting guest speakers, university executives or other VIPs that are critical to the event. Once you know these dates, reach out to the desired venue manager as soon as possible. Do not confirm with your speaker or reserve catering until you are certain that your desired venue is available.
    3. 检查 大学的日历 和 Montagne中心日历 to make sure your event doesn't overlap other major campus events.
    4. Check community calendars 为 potential conflicts that would affect your event.  
      • Consider your target audience and determine if there will be conflicts created by posted community event, 尤其是音乐会和知名演讲者.
      • Consider road closures as related to community events like marathons and color runs as such closures will affect parking and access to campus.
    5. Check school calendars 为 breaks that might affect the 出席 of vacationing students you are targeting.
    6. Determine your budget and create a spreadsheet to track expenditures.
    7. 确定事件的设置需求. 考虑以下几点:
      • 客人数
        • 座位的风格
        • 餐风格
        • 奖励表
        • 画架
        • 预定表
        • 酒精服务
        • 显示表
        • 注册区域
        • A / V设备
        • 暂存
        • 装饰的需求
        • 标志的旗帜
        • 覆盖墙壁的帷幔
    8. Once you have confirmed that there are no major conflicts and you have a clear outline of the setup requirements, 联络场地查询可用场地. 同样,建议使用多个日期选项.
    9. 提交预订请求以确保场地安全. 参观 活动管理场地 页面查找预订请求链接和更多信息. 
      • Times requested should include enough time to bring in and remove your personal items.
      • Make sure you receive a contract that specifies all of your needs
      • 合同签订前如有任何调整,请通知场地.
      • 尽可能严格遵守合同条款. Last-minute changes are limited by available manpower and resources.
    10. 适当的, 把你的活动张贴在大学日历上.
    11. Schedule entertainment or guest speakers and notify any campus participants.  
      • 详细说明你希望他们涵盖的具体主题.
      • 包括预估时间.
      • 邀请博士. 请埃文斯在您的活动上发言,请填写一份 申请表
    12. 制作宾客名单. 建议您使用 宾客名单模板.
  • 活动前四周
    1. 确定邀请需求. Assistance with print invitations to any university-sponsored event should be requested from Marketing and Communications. 
    2. Electronic invitations may be sent in lieu of or in addition to print invitations. 如欲申请邀请,请填写 邀请申请表. For more in为mation regarding invitation policies, please visit the 事件管理策略 页面.
    3. 根据需要联系市场和公关部门 宣传你的活动 if it is one to which the community or the campus at large is invited. Please note that interpreters are required at all events which are open to the public and can be requested from the campus 无障碍资源中心. Interpreters should also be scheduled if requested by an invited guest.
    4. 根据需要为演讲嘉宾购买礼物.
    5. Order favors, giveaways, awards, certificates, pins, medallions, plaques, etc. 根据需要.
    6. 根据需要安排一个摄影师.
  • 活动前三周
    1. 如果你举办的是一个只有邀请才能参加的活动,那就发出邀请.
    2. Contact the Parking Office – (409) 880-7275 – and describe any special parking needs and order security if you are serving alcohol.
      • 给某人分配一个 钥匙卡 在需要时打开预留场地的大门.
    3. 根据你的 最好的估计 出席. 这将提醒餐饮部门你的需求. Numbers can be adjusted later but MUST match the number of seats requested on your layout. 别忘了考虑特殊的饮食需求 people who may not let you know until they arrive that they need something special.
      • a. chartwell餐饮 
      • b. 指定meal-type
      • c. 指定服务软件. 请务必咨询场地所需的服务标准.
    4. Alcohol may NOT be served on campus be为e 5 pm without written permission from the president of the university.  当提供酒精饮料时,必须有官员在场.  Contact LUPD 为 security; mandatory if you plan to serve alcohol. 参观 事件管理策略 请参阅有关提供酒精的更多信息.
    5. 建立并维护一个回复名单. Simply adding an RSVP column to your address spreadsheet works nicely.
    6. 如果场地没有提供装饰和床单,可以订购. C所有的活动管理办公室 为指导.
    7. 下订单,把多余的家具搬到会场.  
    8. Place orders with Media Services – (409) 880-2222 – or outside A/V vendor 根据需要.
      • Include a slide advancer in your request if you have a speaker-controlled slide show.
      • If you are using a Mac, bring or request an adapter so you can access our system.
  • 活动前一周(截止报名日期)
    1. Send a follow up email or call all guests who have not responded.
    2. 检查 活动策划工作表 最后敲定所有的节目细节.  
    3. Contact everyone involved in the program and alert them to the order of the agenda and exactly how much time they are allotted.
    4. Assign someone to work the registration area and assign someone to check coats 根据需要.
    5. 根据需要邮寄停车通行证. 
      • 晚上的活动不需要停车证.  
      • It is strongly recommended that a parking lot be reserved 为 large crowds if the event is held while classes are in session.
    6. Contact Facilities Management 为 any extra cleaning that needs to be done at the venue. 例如:电动清洗人行道,清洁窗户等.
    7. 与Chartwells和场地敲定餐饮号码.  The number of seats requested may not exceed the guest count indicated on the catering order.  The venue will NOT be set 为 more guests than indicated on the catering order.
  • 活动前三天
    1. 如果合适的话,安排好晚餐的座位.
    2. 打印姓名标签, 保留的标识, 议程, 布告, 地方卡, 菜单卡或任何其他必要的印刷材料. Name tags should be prepared 为 all guests 为 all events to which individual invitations were sent or 为 which you have a list of expected participants. 他们应该印有大学或部门的标志. If you need help changing the university logo to your departmental logo, please call us.
    3. 联系外部供应商确定交货时间.
  • 活动的前一天
    1. 与所有主持人和平台参与者一起排练节目.
    2. 在会场内的设备上测试幻灯片或视频剪辑.
    3. Place linens, centerpieces and other décor if the venue is not providing that service.
    4. 联系LUPD的卡尔·霍利耶上士(409)880-8312或 carlhollier@felisayslisten.com 提醒他停车的需要.
  • 活动的当天
    1. Greet vendors 为 load in and set up if the venue is not providing that service.
    2. 设置注册信息,名牌等.
    3. 再次测试A/V,包括检查麦克风.
    4. 享受活动.
    5. 把你带进来的所有东西都带走.